Ousel Falls
by Ben
Bella and I went to Ousel Falls this weekend. We had a great hike and came home with a few worthy images.
Categories: blog, photography, scapes • Tags: montana, ousel falls, waterfall
by Ben
Bella and I went to Ousel Falls this weekend. We had a great hike and came home with a few worthy images.
Categories: blog, photography, scapes • Tags: montana, ousel falls, waterfall
by Ben
Had a great trip to Yellowstone with GiGi and Pop Pop and the whole family today.
Categories: blog, photography • Tags: waterfall, yellowstone
by Ben
Spring has sprung which means the rivers are flowing!
Categories: blog, photography • Tags: beartooths, waterfall
by Ben
Elias and I climbed Mount Washington so on the way home we figured we’d hike just a bit more and get some shots of Glen Ellis falls! It’s basically across the street from Pinkham Notch (Tucks/Mount Washington trailhead) so why not right? The funny part is you hike down to the falls then back up… […]
Categories: blog, personal, photography, scapes, Weekend Fun! • Tags: a7rii, glen ellis falls, new hampshire, NH, sel1224, SEL1635, waterfall
by Ben
A good friend of mine graduated from UMaine in Orono this weekend. I took the opportunity to shoot in Acadia “on the way” there. Enjoy! And here’s a rare shot of me (with Ruleo Camacho):
Categories: blog, personal, photography, scapes, Weekend Fun! • Tags: a7rii, acadia, forest, maine, SEL16-35, sunrise, waterfall, woods
by Ben
My wife and I had a wedding at Sugarbush VT this weekend so I made sure to find some great locations to shoot while up north. This is Warren Falls in Warren (obvious, right?) VT. Enjoy!
Categories: blog, photography, scapes • Tags: a7rii, autumn, fall, SEL16-35, Vermont, warren falls, waterfall
by Ben
On the way to photo expo we always shoot a sunrise of some sort. This year the weather tried to damped our spirits in NYC as it was raining AND windy! I can deal with one or the other but once you have both the lenses get wet and you can’t get great shots. […]
Categories: blog, photography, scapes • Tags: 10-24mm, bash bish, fuji, NY, waterfall, XT1