The Narrow River in Narragansett
by Ben
Took these with the mavic on the way home from an Arch shoot. Enjoy!
Categories: blog, photography, scapes • Tags: aerial, mavic, narragansett, ocean, rhode island, waves
by Ben
Took these with the mavic on the way home from an Arch shoot. Enjoy!
Categories: blog, photography, scapes • Tags: aerial, mavic, narragansett, ocean, rhode island, waves
by Ben
We had some amazing waves all week thanks to Jose being offshore. This was taken the weekend before he arrived.
Categories: blog, photography, scapes • Tags: a7rii, Beavertail, jamestown, ocean, rhode island, SEL1635, sunset
by Ben
Made it out to Beavertail for a low tide sunrise. I love when I can get out on the southernmost tip of the island and look back at the light for sunrise! Makes wet boots worth the effort! Enjoy.
Categories: blog, photography, scapes • Tags: a7rii, Beavertail, jamestown, ocean, pano, sel1635z, sunrise
by Ben
Snagged this on the way home from a client’s shoot in December but I’m just getting to it now! Enjoy.
Categories: blog, photography, scapes • Tags: a7rii, bridge, bristol, lighthouse, mount hope, ocean, rhode island, SEL16-35mm, sunset
by Ben
Just dug this one out of last years archive while catching up on some family photos… Never processed this one for some reason but I’m really liking the moody/dark feeling to it. This happens to be shot with the sony 10-18mm wide angle lens that’s meant for their smaller sensors but it works on full […]
Categories: blog, gear, photography, scapes • Tags: 10-18mm, a7rii, Beavertail, jamestown, ocean, purple, sunset
by Ben
Went out to Beavertail Sunday to see how it looked with a fresh blanket of snow. I was there mid afternoon so while the snow was beautiful there wasn’t much I wanted to shoot. As soon as I got out of the car I could hear the roar of the swell out at the light […]
Categories: blog, photography • Tags: 150-600, a7rii, Beavertail, ocean, tamron, waves
by Ben
Made it out to Beavertail for sunset tonight. I was actually working on some videos for a few reviews I was working on and sunset just happened while I was there, but I’ll take it! These were both shot using sony’s new skyHDR app that blends two images in camera and outputs a RAW file. […]
Categories: blog, photography, scapes • Tags: a6000, a7rii, Beavertail, clouds, jamestown, ocean, sunset
by Ben
Made it out to Fort Wetherill for the first sunrise in a long time (ski season took over this winter in a great way!). Explored a new spot as well which is always fun. Sunrise was a bit of a bust with no clouds on the horizon but it was great to get out […]
Categories: blog, photography, scapes • Tags: fort wetherill, jamestown, ocean, rhode island, sunrise
by Ben
Made it out to Beavertail the other night after one of the snow storms.
Categories: blog, photography, scapes • Tags: a7ii, Beavertail, jamestown, ocean, sony, sunset
by Ben
Made it out to Beavertail this morning. The wind was howling but I wanted to shoot badly enough I didn’t let that stop me. It did however lead to a few soft shots thanks to the camera moving around a bit. It was still worth the effort as I was able to explore the west […]
Categories: blog, photography, scapes • Tags: a7s, Beavertail, jamestown, ocean, purple, rhode island, sony, sunrise
by Ben
Made it up to Pomham Lighthouse Sunday morning with Paul Berry and David Simms. Sunrise is basically behind you when you shoot here in the AM but we tried anyway. We got lucky with some great clouds to the north over the tanker. Not ideal but always fun to be out shooting. Enjoy!
Categories: blog, photography, scapes • Tags: blue, landscape, lighthouse, ocean, pomham, providence, rhode island, riverside, sunrise
by Ben
Made it down to Watch Hill lighthouse with my good friend Andrew Stockwell back in the beginning of October. The sunrise itself was a blown out bluebird affair but I was able to get a great silhouette shot before the sun actually rose with an amazing red sky. Interestingly enough, once the sun had just […]
Categories: blog, photography, scapes • Tags: lighthouse, ocean, rhode island, sunrise, Watch Hill