Well I’m back on the fence about 2.8 zooms again. I’ve been loving my 20-35L, but it’s been bugging me owning 2 lenses with the same FL. Especially when the same 2 lenses are/were later combined. But I’d owned the 16-35II and didn’t like it’s size/weight, but I especially hate it’s hood and filter size (the 16-35 and 17-40 share the same crappy hood, the 16-35II gets an even worse one, but the 17-40 and 16-35 can use a modified 24-105 hood). Now the issues with the 16-35I are that it’s not very sharp in the corners, especially not wide open. But I’ve come to the realization that when I’m shooting landscapes they’re rarely NOT at f/11~f/16, so it’s a non issue there (what the 17-40 is used for). When I’m using it wide open, the DOF is shallow anyway, so you don’t notice it there either. Anyway, it’s here, I’ll be testing it this week, then selling/returning the 17-40/20-35 and consolidating my lens lineup some more….