
by Ben
As a family we hadn’t seen a bear yet since moving to Montana. I saw 4 last summer, 1 driving home from Bridger, one driving out Fairy lake road, 1 hiking in the Spanish peaks (a cub and we didn’t see mom!!!) and one driving through YNP too far away with too short a lens. […]
Categories: blog, personal, photography, wildlife • Tags: bear, yellowstone

More Pelicans!
by Ben
Some more pelican shots with the 200-600mm.
Categories: blog, photography, wildlife • Tags: a7riii, birds, montana, pelicans, sel200600, sony 200-600

Pronghorns, Bison, an Eagle & Cranes oh my!
by Ben
Been shooting more lately. Here’s a pretty random assortment, Bison at spanish peak, some birds in our hood, 2 landscapes, my daughter, some sandhill cranes at ennis as well as some pronghorns, then a bald eagle munching on something with feathers on the drive home one night!
Categories: blog, photography, wildlife • Tags: a7riii, bison, eagle, montana, pronghorn, sandhill crane, SEL200600g, Sony 200-600mm, wildlife