
by Ben
Got a chance to see Neowise last night!
Categories: blog, photography • Tags: a7riv, comet, montana, neowise, sel200-600, Sony 200-600mm

by Ben
As a family we hadn’t seen a bear yet since moving to Montana. I saw 4 last summer, 1 driving home from Bridger, one driving out Fairy lake road, 1 hiking in the Spanish peaks (a cub and we didn’t see mom!!!) and one driving through YNP too far away with too short a lens. […]
Categories: blog, personal, photography, wildlife • Tags: bear, yellowstone

by Ben
Took a drive today through YNP to the beartooths then home again. Skied Gardiner headwall while in the beartooths. Had a great day and saw some fun wildlife!
Categories: blog, personal, photography • Tags: a7riv, beartooths, goat, marmot, pika, Sony 200-600mm, wolf, YNP

The Great One!
by Ben
Went for a hike today, Fairy lake to Sacajawea to Naya Nuki then skied the great one. I brought the 200-600 with me which is a first for me (bringing the real camera skiing, especially BC skiing with a long hike). I did it hoping to see a few goats and I was not disappointed!
Categories: blog, personal, photography • Tags: a7riv, goats, montana, skiing, Sony 200-600mm, the great one

by Ben
Categories: blog, photography • Tags: a7riv, montana, Moon, Sony 200-600mm

More Pelicans!
by Ben
Some more pelican shots with the 200-600mm.
Categories: blog, photography, wildlife • Tags: a7riii, birds, montana, pelicans, sel200600, sony 200-600

Pronghorns, Bison, an Eagle & Cranes oh my!
by Ben
Been shooting more lately. Here’s a pretty random assortment, Bison at spanish peak, some birds in our hood, 2 landscapes, my daughter, some sandhill cranes at ennis as well as some pronghorns, then a bald eagle munching on something with feathers on the drive home one night!
Categories: blog, photography, wildlife • Tags: a7riii, bison, eagle, montana, pronghorn, sandhill crane, SEL200600g, Sony 200-600mm, wildlife

Sony 200-600mm review
by Ben
I finally picked up a sony 200-600mm. Since moving to Montana and this lens getting announced I’ve felt like it’s the lens for wildlife photography. I’ve been considering one for a long time but finally bit the bullet, sold the 100-400 and got one! I didn’t own them both at the same time so I […]
Categories: blog, gear, lenses, new gear, personal, photography, review • Tags: gear, review, Sony 200-600mm

by Ben
Ran into a group of pelicans on the river today!
Categories: blog, personal, photography • Tags: a7riii, montana, pelicans, Sony 200-600mm

Bald Eagle
by Ben
Went for a drive and watched this eagle bully an osprey for his lunch! The image above is pretty bang on sharp, the rest in the gallery below are softer than I like from either camera shake from the long lens or cropping a ton. I’m learning but this is NOT easy!
Categories: blog, photography • Tags: a7riii, eagles, montana, Sony 200-600mm

by Ben
went for a bike ride with my camera today.
Categories: blog, personal, photography • Tags: a7riii, birds, montana, SEL200600g, Sony 200-600mm

Bald Eagle
by Ben
Took the kids for a “forced field trip” yesterday. We found this guy/gal hanging out on top of a tree. It was one of two eagles we found.
Categories: blog, personal, photography • Tags: a7riii, bald eagle, eagle, montana, sel20060g, Sony 200-600mm

Long Lenses
by Ben
Long lenses have always been something I’ve used in my photography. When I first got a film body in the 90s I had a 70-300mm variant. I’ve since gone through four camera systems (canon, nikon, canon again, fuji and now sony). On each system I’ve had a long lens of some sort. They basically fall […]
Categories: blog, gear, lenses, personal, photography