
Castle Hill Sunset 5.6.2015
by Ben
Went out to Castle Hill to watch the volvo boats come in last night. They were due around sunset but the wind was dying fast so I figured I’d go somewhere photogenic while waiting. Castle hill also has an added benefit of being able to see out to sea -vs- a much shorter view from […]
Categories: blog, photography, sail, scapes • Tags: castle hill, newport, sunset, Volvo Ocean Race

Elias goes Viper sailing!!!
by Ben
Had a great weekend this week. Friday night we went down to second beach for dinner with the Welbys. It was 105 in Providence so the relatively cool 85 in Newport felt awesome, then the ocean was just icing on the cake. Of course we went to Frosty Freeze on the way home! Then Saturday […]

sluff 2010
by Ben
Dad got out in the dinghy Monday to get some shots/video’s of Ruleo Leo and me in sluff before those guys headed off to NYC and PA… Of course we sailed to another DFL with the breeze dying as we sailed, but we had a great time. We actually hit 13.4kt at one point on […]

Newport Regatta?
by Ben
Well I hope everyone else’s weekend went as well as mine. I got a call last week while on vacation from Justin Scott. He’s the Viper 640 class president. I’d sailed with him twice before when we were picking which 20′ sportboat was right for us, and he was considering sailing in the Newport Regatta, […]

GoPro goes open sailing:
by Ben
Took a day off deck work (deck’s almost done but still have the patio to do) to put sluff together and take her for the first sail of the summer. I called up a buddy of mine from the photo forum who also sails (and also has a new kid and understanding wife) and he […]

Fools Rules Regatta 2008!
by Ben
I must admit, I’ve lived in (or very close to) Jamestown since 1991, but I had never been to the Fools Rules Regatta. I knew about it, I knew Chris Powell was the “chief fool” (he runs the regatta) and I knew the basics. I’d just always had other commitments the day of the event […]
Categories: blog, personal, photography, sail, sailing

Tuesday night sunset!
by Ben
Well this past Tuesday we had another beercan race. The wind dropped out pretty bad so our little boat didn’t do very well (it’s won’t by design, but our rating hurts as well leaving us over 8 minutes behind the guys in SECOND TO LAST!). We had a GREAT sail though, we played the shifts […]

Tuesday night destruction?
by Ben
Well we raced again last night and collected yet another DFL (due to our rating). We had a great time, but ended up having an embarrassing moment at the dock at the end of the night. Our boat is having some teething issues with its keel. The supplied keel wedges were way too small, so […]

Tuesday night mayhem?
by Ben
Went out racing last night. Well “racing”. We drifted across the bay in NO WIND but actually, the boat sailed pretty well for the little wind we did have provided we kept it as heeled as possible. Our start was a non event with NO wind and we just sat there… There was an awesome […]

First Tuesday night race…
by Ben
Raced sluff for the first time last night. It was the last race of the spring series. Yarrow offered to help me as Dad’s “stuck” delivering avalanche right now. We haven’t gotten our real rating yet from PHRF (they’re having a meeting for us this week) so they gave us a provisional rating of 108… […]

Wednesday night sailing.
by Ben
We normally sail Tuesday nights, but I couldn’t last night so I went tonight. I also didn’t manage to track down crew in time (part of the reason we wanted a smaller boat) so I decided to sail alone. I ended up ramp launching the boat alone (first time ramp launching, and first time sailing […]

Trip south gallery
by Ben
I finally had some time last night to edit a few images from the trip south. These are here and over at syavalanche.com. I still have to sort through the shots I took in Antigua. Hopefully I’ll get those up tonight. Here are the shots from Antigua: and these are from our trip (vacation on […]
Categories: blog, personal, photography, sail, sailing