Every year I sit down and make a “best of” post for my photography for the year. It’s been a great year and I’ve got a TON of images to choose from this year. Actually, I couldn’t narrow it down to just 12 so I’ve got a gallery at the bottom with ALL the highlight, I’ve narrowed it down to a few to “showcase” full size here.

This image was used in both my calendar and as a holiday post card for a client. The reason I like it so much is it’s a great reminder as to why I always carry a camera! It was taken on the way to work after dropping my daughter off at daycare. I had my fuji X-A1 with me with the 18mm lens (the smallest camera I own) and just hopped out of the car to snag this shot.

This is obviously a selfie of me. It made the list because I’ve been trying to get myself into more of my shots this past year. It’s also one of my more popular images on flickr. Taken with the X-A1 with the 8mm rokinon fisheye.

This image was one of my final landscape of 2014. The group from NSOP tried to get together for a landscape while everyone was home for the holidays. EVERYONE BAILED!!! But not me… and mother nature treated me to a wonderful sunrise.

This made the list because it’s my daughter skiing at age 2.5! A very similar shot of my son made last years list…

This is another shot that makes the list because of something I want to work on this year. This was taken at Beavertail State Park here in Jamestown. But it’s a new place I found on a walk there with the kids… I need to keep exploring the island I live on which is something I’ll be working on in 2015.

I love this shot of Elias! Reminds me so much of Calvin and Hobbes!

This is the first shot I took with my drone that I consider a “good” shot. It’s a three shot pano at Beavertail at sunset. It’s also a selfie/dronie (I’m the blue dot just above the cement pad in the center).

This is what I consider “my spot” at Beavertail. It’s right off the second parking lot and when I’m in the rush with good color to the west, this is where I go. I love this composition (although I’m trying to improve it each time I shoot it) and it works well with dramatic sunsets. But the color combination in this particular sunset make it stand out for me.

This image isn’t anything too crazy but it happens to be my #1 image on flickr and to this day gets the most daily views… I took it for my fuji wedding review, apparently a lot of people are looking to make similar moves to mirrorless!

This sunrise was just about as good as it gets. Elephant rocks is in Westport MA and I love the mix of beach tucked in and around the massive rocks.

This shot is what I’d call an accident. I was trying to get out to Beavertail (again) but realized the sun was setting too fast and I’d miss the best light. So I drove into Fort Getty here in Jamestown and would up getting a great shot of Dutch Island Lighthouse.

Yes this is a wedding shot on my year recap… These are my cousins. I love this images aesthetically but also technically because using a mirrorless camera with an EVF made this an easy exposure to dial in.

I love this shot of Watch Hill Lighthouse in Westerly RI because it was taken on a blue bird morning. The sky was this wonderful red to orange hue a while before sunrise which allowed me to get the silhouette. It was also my first time shooting with Andy Stockwell fresh off a deployment so regardless of what we came home with it was awesome catching up again.

Not an amazing image by any stretch but important to me. This was my wife’s first time to Tuckerman’s/Mount Washington and we made the summit. Not only that but we did it in just a hair over 2 hours up! We hadn’t hiked together since we lived in MT (before kids, before getting married, etc) so it was a blast to get out and hike with my best friend again.
Here’s the gallery of everything that stuck out to me as I went through 2014’s blog posts:
Great recap of 2014. I really like your family shots…especially the third to last one titled “the kids.”