What’s to say about the retro 7? Well, first make sure you’ve read and watched my retro 10 and retro 5 reviews! Why? Well because the retro 7 is basically a retro 10 with 1~2″ of the space from the camera compartment taken to make space for a padded iPad/macbook Air compartment. Yes you can fit other devices back there, but it’s CLEARLY designed for an 11″ macbook air… Simply put if you want to take a camera and either tablet or netbook with you in one bag, THIS IS THE BAG. It’s typical retro styling (modern domke basically) just with a new spot for your netbook. I happen to own both an 11″ air and an iPad so this bag is right up my alley. Anytime I go anywhere with my air this is the bag I take. It’s perfect. Thinktank has also come out with a new blue color that’s available across the retro line. I’m not a huge fan of either the “blue slate” or “pinestone” as the fabric is different than black. But I’m a (boring) basic black guy. The good news is you have options so it’s a good thing they’re bringing out more colors (even if they had my perfect color with black from the beginning!).
I will also mention I am an affiliate for thinktank. This means if you use my affiliate link, YOU GET A FREEBIE and I get a small portion of the sale. Their program is mutually beneficial, and their products are always sold at MSRP elsewhere, so do YOURSELF a favor and make sure you use my link (you get a free pixel rocket or cable management or 2 other options [edit: this list changes, those two were on it last week, but now the list is the Modular Pouch, Security Tag, or Lock It Up™]). Here is the link to the black retro 7 as well. Being an affiliate DOES NOT MEAN I give them good reviews though. I comment on the products I use honestly, I use thinktank products because they are very good, but they’re not perfect, read the rest of the review and you’ll see I like this bag (a lot) but it’s not w/o it’s faults.