
Merry Xmas!!!

long time no posts, I know…  We’ve moved officially (to Jamestown).  We’re almost done with out old house (I’ll post details about that when it’s official).  Work has wound down from 60 hour weeks since Thanksgiving to a normal 40 now.  And I’ve had two of the last three days off only working half a day on Monday.  So what’s that all mean?  I’ve got (some) time to edit and post some pics!!!  Yes I realize I’ve got 2+ months of shots to process and eventually post (I was still shooting though the craziness) but for now you get a few shots from the last 24 hours of Christmas events with the family!

Last night we went to Nikki’s Aunt and Uncle’s house in Somerset MA for a family Christmas party that was a great time.  From there we were off to Katie’s best friend’s house for party #2 (which was also for her birthday).  We didn’t get home until ~11pm, then the adults were up way too long getting everything together for this morning.  Elias woke up just before 7am.  Bella slept through to ~9am.  We had a wonderful morning here then packed up and went to Nikki’s parents for more presents and of course breakfast.  From there it was off to another party at Nikki’s Aunt’s and Uncle’s house in Portsmouth.  What a wonderful day honestly, and the kids had an amazing Christmas with amazing presents all around.  So did Nikki and I honestly.  And I’m proud to say I’m sitting here in new jeans Nikki got me that are 34/34s!!!  I was in 38/34s <9 months ago!!!  Here’s some shots of the last 24 hours, enjoy!

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