Sorry for not writing a bunch tonight, but the packers are on and I’m squeezing this post in between quarters… The best part of my week came tonight when Elias got to stay up with me to watch the Packers play on Monday night. The 8:30pm start is half an hour past his bedtime and he stayed up for most of the first quarter. He watched their first two touchdowns and seemed to enjoy it. Of course we called Bumpa and yelled GO PACK GO!!! at him. Beyond that Nikki ran over the Newport Bridge this weekend, but the race was at 6:30am so we couldn’t go watch. Isabella is doing the army crawl quite quickly now, she can get places way faster than we’d like… And we went over to Bumpa and Ganny’s for dinner Sunday night where Elias spent at least 30 minutes checking out Bahamas charts to look for treasure (ship wrecks). Good Times.