We had a great weekend this weekend with Aunt Jess and Uncle Ben flying in to Rhode Island for the weekend. We hosted dinner at our house both on Thursday night (when they flew in) and Saturday night (their last night here) in our back yard which made it a ton of fun as we could have a fire and enjoy some s’mores. It was great to see them and to watch Elias get used to them. He went from not inviting them to our second dinner to going home with Jess halfway through our bike ride Sunday and hanging out in their hotel for almost an hour. We also went out on avalanche Saturday (Elias Nikki and Isabella were home napping) and shot the Js, shot a “sunrise” (gray morning) that morning, then went to the zoo on Sunday before they had to fly home in the afternoon. It was a ton of fun for sure! Unfortunately my memory card was left in the computer Saturday night, so all the shots we took with my camera at that BBQ were never recorded… 🙁 (I realized this right at the very end and got the shots with the sparklers).