
Sachuest 12.19.2010

Got out to Sachuest today.  It was nice and cold, but not cold enough for good ice quite yet.  That’ll come, so it was nice to be able to shoot w/o needing gloves I suppose.  It was a fun morning to be out shooting.

2 thoughts on “Sachuest 12.19.2010

  1. Just came across your site. You pictures are beautiful as is you family. I guess you live up in RI. I never realized how pretty it is up there.
    I notice that you have switched back and forth from Canon to Nikon. Seeing that most of your gear are lenses what was the impetus for the moves?
    Abe, Miami

    • The move was for a few reasons. I like having a FPS body and a FF body and Nikon offered me both in the D700. I had an accident with my 5Dii where it got wet, and it was insured. So when that happened I took that chance to try a D700. It’s a great body and their 2.8 zooms are amazing (better than canon’s versions) but Nikon charges 25% more per lens or more in some cases and I couldn’t afford my dream setup there simply because of their “lens tax”… I also have a 2.75 y/o at home and like to get video of him every once in a while and Nikon doesn’t offer video in any of their higher end bodies yet w/o having to go to a D3s and I DO NOT like larger bodies or grips, nevermind the fact that’s a $5k body… Add to that that I never got fully comfortable with the Nikon ergonomics (either the EV had to go backwards or the direction of selection for the front dial, even with all their menu options one MUST be backwards from canon logic) and the colors/processing out of the camera were always slightly different and I was never 100% satisfied. That’s not to say there’s anything wrong with Nikon, it’s a great system and I really wish canon made a D700 competitor, but it just wasn’t for me.

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