Zoo Zoo? Yeah, Zoo Zoo! Nikki had to work Saturday so Elias and I were on our own. I like going to the zoo because it’s fun for Elias but it’s also fun to go there and shoot. We’d also gotten out annual membership renewal in the mail this week (not due till August) so it was fresh on my mind. I suggested it to Elias and he was all for it, so he and I headed to the Zoo Saturday when Nikki went to work. Well, we had such a good time, Elias said he wanted to go back when telling mommy all about it that night and still said the same in the morning. Nikki also hadn’t been yet this year, so back we went today! Elias showed Mommy everything she missed the day before and we made sure to catch all the exhibits we missed on our shorter trip Saturday. Hope you like animal pics though!
Friday was also the Portuguese feast over at the PAC up the street from the Stinton’s house. It’s a tradition that we go every year and enjoy some awesome food and have some fun with the rides and games. We’ve been going for as long as I’ve know Nikki but now with Elias the rides and games are more fun than ever. Last year they were a bit much for him (he liked the trains but not the slides) but this year he was running all over the place enjoying everything. Pop Pop even got him to play the fishing game where he caught something and won a prize (he picked an Elmo doll)!
You’re getting some nice shots with the new gear – what was the lady with the blue shirt shooting with?
It was a leica digilux 2 which is the same as the panasonic LC1.
they’re both older digitals that were precursors to the likes of the GF1, only with a single lens. It’s one of those cameras I’d love to own some day.