
Fun filled weekend!

Well it’s been a busy and fun weekend.  The above shot is actually one I DID NOT TAKE.  Credit for that goes to Brian Harrington who’s a friend of mine through the forum and a fellow landscape shooter.  He and I shot Newton Ave Saturday morning then went down to Point Judith to check the surf which was non existent…  Then I went off to the boat show with my parents which is always a lot of fun for us.  Not a whole lot new there but there was a daysailing converted etchells which was interesting but not $75k interesting.  There was another cool day sailer there but it was $90k so again waaaaaaay too expensive.  Not sure how and open and or viper can be $30k and they’re expecting these to sell for ~3x as much?

Either way Today (Sunday) I took Elias out of Nikki’s hair for the morning…  We went down to Point Judith again to watch the surfers.  I tried to shoot a bit as well but that’s almost impossible there since it’s rocks and cement walls with a 2.5 y/o…  We then hit up the Army Truck show at the Quonset Air Museum on the way home which was a ton of fun.  Then Elias went for his nap and I rewired the antenna so there are ZERO connections except for the end on the antenna itself and the other on the back of the TV, didn’t even wire up the plate on the wall…  Why would I do that?  Well we now get 11 channels up from 6.  Most of them are pointless but we weren’t getting CBS which has a lot of patriots games on it so that had to be fixed.  Got it done just in time to catch the start of the pats game (which they lost miserably).

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