Lots of pics again this week. Elias has been sick all week and of course shared it with Nikki and then they shared it with me. Elias missed daycare all week with my mom helping 2 days and Debbie taking care of him Friday. It’s such a relief having both grandmothers this close! Elias also has names that he can say for both of them. My mom is Ganny (thanks Mom!) and Debbie is Vovo which is Portuguese for Grandma. Saturday was another ski day which was fun, it was quite warm considering it was Stowe. It was a bluebird day which brought out the crowds. Today was a sunrise with the forum guys in Jamestown, then Elias and I went for a nice walk on the beach while Nikki went for a run. Now it’s football time with a nice fire going, too bad neither of my teams are still alive, but Brett still is! (Go Vikings?!)