Monthly Archives: August 2010

EAJ 116 week update
by Ben
A slow week photographically for me this week. Monday’s I sail, so that usually kills that day, then the rest of the week I just felt really run down for some reason. Not sure why. This weekend was fun though, GiGi and PopPop took Elias Saturday night so we could go to Nikki’s 15th HS […]

Sachuest 8.22.2010
by Ben
Made it out to Sachuest yesterday morning again. I know you guys are probably sick of this place, but I love it for some reason. Whenever I don’t know where I should go, I go here as there’s so much variety to experiment with. It’s also got some decent wildlife options which is great and […]
Categories: blog, photography, scapes

Beavertail 8.15.2010
by Ben
Went down to Beavertail Sunday morning. I actually didn’t even see the sun rise over the horizon for this sunrise as I wanted to explore the western side of the point. There’s a bay there that gives you a really nice look at the lighthouse I’ve always wanted to shoot and it turned out to […]
Categories: blog, photography, scapes

EAJ Week 115 update
by Ben
This weekend was a bit of a slow weekend. Nikki didn’t feel well either day, so we didn’t do much. Saturday we went to the Fool’s Rules regatta in Jamestown with Elias and watched them build the boats. It’s always fun to guess what will work and what doesn’t, then watch them break! There were […]

Sachuest 8.7.2010
by Ben
Went down to Sachuest again this morning. The clouds rolled in just in time for the sunrise and left shortly after. It was pretty much perfect as there was just enough breeze to keep the mosquitos off.
Categories: blog, photography, scapes

ThinkTankPhoto Retrospective 10 Video Review:
by Ben
Edit: this post was done before I’d had the bag for long. I’ve since done a video review of this bag that’s more in depth. Check that out here. The video is also the header image you see above, click that and you’ll be able to watch the review here. Thinktank announced the retrospective line […]
Categories: bags, blog, gear, video reviews

Canon 10-22mm EF-S to EF conversion:
by Ben
I converted my 10-22mm to be able to be used on FF over the weekend. I wouldn’t call it a full conversion as it’s NOT and EF lens, and you CAN damage your FF camera (and possibly 1.3) if you’re not careful, so proceed at your own risk… But, taking canon’s rear baffle out and […]
Categories: blog, gear, lenses, video reviews

Hazard 8.1.2010
by Ben
Went down to Hazard Ave again this morning. Decent morning but lots of fishermen… Someone decided to scale a fish right in “the spot”, and not only that they smoked about 5 cigarettes while doing it leaving all the butts behind. I guess fishermen don’t respect the sea/environment the way I do but it’d frustrating […]
Categories: blog, photography, scapes

Jed and Stephanie get hitched!
by Ben
Busy weekend this week. Jed & Stephanie got married Friday night in MA. It was a great ceremony and the reception was a great time. Lots of family to catch up with as well. It was fun seeing everyone all cleaned up. My parents baby sat Elias at our house Friday night so we could […]
Categories: blog, people, personal, photography