Well this weekend was very entertaining!!! Nikki had her Bday party at the Plumbs with Pat and Russell on Friday night. I said 34th because there was a type-o on the cake! But I’m sure that’ll come up again at some point… Then I went skiing on Saturday for the first time of the year. The snow was actually quite good on the upper mountain at Sunday River (you got on at the midstation). If you braved the lower part there was mud and grass but it actually wasn’t terrible considering it was pre-thanksgiving. Then today we had ~19 of my friends at the house (including us) for a pre-thanksgiving thanksgiving with friends. We did pot luck and it was amazing. This was also the first time Nikki and I had ever cooked a turkey and we actually did pretty well if you ask me. Or at least the breat meat wasn’t dried out which was our goal!