

Another 17-40?  Hell, you don’t even have to ask the question this time because I ALREADY AM!!!   So I was selling my 20mm 1.8 a few months ago and got an offer for a 100 macro as a trade.  I took it to try one out again, but I prefer tubes.  While it was here I stumbled into a 50mm lens debate and was won over by the sigma 1.4’s IQ.  So I decided to sell both the 50mm 1.4 (canon) and 100mm macro.  Both sold within a day, but the 50mm went as a trade for another 17-40.  Yes I’ve owned 2 of these before, but I LOVE this lens and I HAVE been considering going back to one again as I’m not thrilled with the 16-35mm as a landscape lens (I’m doing a ton of distortion correction which makes it less wide when you crop back to 2:3) so I’ll be testing the 17mm’s distortion -vs- the 16mm…  I also don’t use the 2.8 inside as I still default to primes so there’s no gain there.  Thirdly, selling the 16-35mm will free up enough cash for a 12-24mm again.  So, as of today, I own a 16-35, 17-40 and NO 50mm and no macro (as well as the other lenses that weren’t in question).  I’ll be selling one of the UWA zooms for sure and also picking up a 50mm sigma here shortly.  I’m hoping to also swing the 12-24mm again.  Once I can test it with filters again, I might scrap the 17-40 and 16-35 and just use the 12-24mm as my UWA….  Time will tell.

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