HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY!!!! It’s been a long week, and this update is actually getting posted a week late because of it. Nikki and Elias had their first mothers day. I made Nikki an album of every shot that’s been on the site through the entire pregnancy to the week before mothers day. I also made similar albums for each grandmother (our mothers) so they could have something to show off to their friends. Elias is getting bigger. He’s been measure at the doctors now (last week, but I forgot to post the info). He’s 24 3/4″ long (90th %) and 13lbs (75th %). He’s getting more active now and is talking up a storm (in his own language). He’s also getting more head control, but still can’t consistently hold his head up. He loves to smile for his mom and dad though. When I get home for work, he’s always good for a smile when he sees me which is awesome.