for someone else?! Yep, guess Elias is done with breastfeeding… Over the last week he’s pretty much given up on it. Then Wednesday night he bit Nikki and has been having a bottle since. I guess it’s official, he’s growing up. He also got another introduction with snow this week. Friday night we gto ~9″ of snow. Saturday it snowed a bit more and has been this morning as well, but it’s now raining on top of the 10~12″ we ended up with. It’s sure to be a wet sloppy mess by morning.
I also got to go skiing again Saturday. It was an “alright” time I guess. It’s just busy with the holidays, the weather made the trip take over an hour longer, and I’ve been fighting a cold lately. So skiing in a high of 14º with 9″ of snow blowing around probably wasn’t the smartest thing to do. I just didn’t want to disapoint the people I work with an appear less dependable. So I suffered through it. In reality, the skiing was pretty good. I managed to find a few untracked lines in the morning and there were no crowds, so it was nice all day.
Here’s a new video of Elias on the deck with Nikki Friday night: