
Elias turns 6 (months)!

Elias is 6 months old already, can you believe it?  It’s crazy it’s gone by this fast honestly.  He’s getting big.  He’s 90% in height, and normal (50%) in head size and weight.  He’s still scooting around the house, but he’s getting much better/faster at it.  He’ll “chase”/follow Moseley around now and grab onto his ears/tail/paws.  Moseley has been very good about it, but will lick Elias.  He’s starting to push himself up on his hands and knees more now, so crawling might be coming soon.  He can now situp a bit better and is working on talking.  Well, he talks up a storm, but we have no idea what he’s saying.  He’s also showering with me now.  I’ll shower then when I’m clean Nikki will hand him in.  He seems to really enjoy the spray as well.

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