Well 20 weeks at least. It’s been another fun, eventful week around the house with Elias. He’s getting more coordinated every day. He can now grab things as he wants. He can take is nuk out and put it back in (upside down most of the time though). He’s rolling over every which way now and pretty much goes to his belly the instant he’s put down on his back. He’s also learning to eat rice cereal with breast milk a bit better now. He does make a mess of himself though. There was some excitement this week as well. The power went out in a big storm Wednesday night. It was out from 4pm till 10am the next morning. Debbie ended up taking Elias to her house for the day.
We also got our new refrigerator Saturday morning. I have 289 shots taken one every minute during the cleanup of the old one through loading the new one. I’ll have to figure out a way to make them into a movie as it’s pretty interesting to watch. The old unit’s compressor was starting to go (leaking oil on the floor and not keeping the unit cold enough). So we had to go get a new unit. It’s nice having a new fridge, but it’s a big weird adjusting to where the doors are now.
I also found this guy hanging out in the backyard Saturday before I mowed the lawn (while picking up Mo’s land mines). Moseley was out with me and didn’t even notice him until I put his nose right down to him… Then he followed the toad around the yard for ~10 minutes cutting off it’s escape routes. I grabbed the camera and was able to grab a few shots before the toad escaped under the deck.
I love how Elias is interacting with the kitty. So cute!