
Ben’s Baby Shower!

The girls at work decided to surprise me with a baby shower. And boy did they surprise me. My Dad was in on the gag, so he worked with me in my office for about a half hour while they set it up… Then he called me into his office to “help him” with something. I knew something was up when all the window shades were closed for his office. All the ladies from the office had coordinated an awesome lunch and wonderful gifts. I had no clue they were up to anything. They said it was a lot of fun watching a boy open baby gifts instead of the same old same old with the mom to be opening gifts. It was a lot of fun and we got a lot of greats gifts for the baby. Luckily he hasn’t arrived yet so I was still at work. Thanks again ladies!!!

2 thoughts on “Ben’s Baby Shower!

  1. Hi Ben:

    Leave it to the “girls” to surprise you with a baby shower. What a great idea! But I got a big kick out of seeing the photo of the girls–many of whom I haven’t see in almost two years.

    Baby time is fast approaching and I won’t venture a guess on date, weight, etc. As a mother I KNOW children do their thing when and how they want, starting with their birth.

    Hope Nikki is feeling pretty good at this stage!


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