Monthly Archives: May 2008

First Tuesday night race…
by Ben
Raced sluff for the first time last night. It was the last race of the spring series. Yarrow offered to help me as Dad’s “stuck” delivering avalanche right now. We haven’t gotten our real rating yet from PHRF (they’re having a meeting for us this week) so they gave us a provisional rating of 108… […]

Elias week 11 update!
by Ben
Elias is actually in my lap as I type this… He’s getting bigger and stronger all the time. He can now roll over from his belly to his back. We’re working on getting it on camera but he’s done it probably 5 times this week. Nikki also went back to work for the first time […]

Chris and Lise’s Wedding!
by Ben
Chris and Lise got married today. Chris and I work together (he’s the IT guy). They had a wonderful wedding today in MA. It was Nikki and my first day out together w/o Elias. It was kinda fun doing something “adult” again, but we both also missed him. Debbie was very helpful and came over […]
Categories: blog, people, personal, photography

Wednesday night sailing.
by Ben
We normally sail Tuesday nights, but I couldn’t last night so I went tonight. I also didn’t manage to track down crew in time (part of the reason we wanted a smaller boat) so I decided to sail alone. I ended up ramp launching the boat alone (first time ramp launching, and first time sailing […]

Week 10 update.
by Ben
Another busy week for us. Nikki managed to get out and run both days this weekend. She said that felt great, but by Sunday afternoon (after also going for a walk in the park) she was exhausted. Elias is growing and growing. We’ve had to adjust the straps in his car seat to the taller […]

NSOP Roger William’s Park meet.
by Ben
We also had a NSOP (my photography website/forum) meet at the park Sunday. We (of course) arrive 20 minutes late. Elias was dead asleep and had had a rough nite Saturday so we let him sleep until he woke up. But that mean we still had to feed him and get out the door. We […]

Week 9 update
by Ben
HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY!!!! It’s been a long week, and this update is actually getting posted a week late because of it. Nikki and Elias had their first mothers day. I made Nikki an album of every shot that’s been on the site through the entire pregnancy to the week before mothers day. I also made […]

Elias week 8 update:
by Ben
Another weekly Elias update! He’s really starting to become a little person. He’s gaining a little more control over his arms, and smiles and laughs with us daily. He also speaks his own language already. We have no clue what he’s saying (feed me?) but he’s making noises all the time when he’s awake now. […]