
Taco Salad!

MMMMMmmmmmmm Taco Salad!!! The guys over on NSOP were talking about enchiladas today, but I’m a horrible cook. I do however know how to cook taco salad, and Nikki said we had the fixin’s so here you go, Taco Salad… And it was delicious… Even Baby v1.0 liked it as he started kicking at dinner. It was delicious, I ate too much, and now I’m uncomfortably full.

One thought on “Taco Salad!

  1. weird… yes my name is ben Jacobsen also even with the e, and whats even stranger is that my wife is also pregnant due jan. 30th. and once more is i see mabey you drive a subaru? im a subaru nut..
    i live on Bainbridge island, WA on the penninsula, im going to be 28 in a month. if nothing else, its kind of cool to sort of meet you.


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