Nikki and I went for another beautiful walk on the beach Sunday morning with Moseley. There was a nice brisk breeze from the north which made it feel a little more like fall. Everyone has been asking how Nikki is and or looks so I figured I’d bring the camera along and snap a few pictures. The no shell fishing sign has no relation other than I was playing around with my camera and I loved the contrast so don’t read anything into it. Nikki is starting to show enough that people who don’t know her might guess that she’s pregnant. She is also reporting that she can feel the baby moving now and has been able to for around a week. She was unsure at first (she thought it was gas 😆 ) but now is positive it’s the baby! We’re 15 1/2 weeks pregnant at this point. Wednesday will be 16 weeks/4 months. Next Wednesday is our next doctors appointment where we’ll get another sonogram which we’re both very excited for.