Monthly Archives: December 2007

Skiing: Day 2!
by Ben
So I went to Okemo Wednesday. It was a beautiful day on the hill. No drama getting there as I remembered everything this time… It was about 20ºF on the hill, so a comfortable temp. I skied with the camera again, so I came home with more pictures. The snow was only alright… I love […]

Merry Christmas!!!
by Ben
Merry Christmas to anyone out there reading the blog!!! We’ve had a busy, but very fun couple of days. Christmas ever we took my parents to Ikea for the first time for fun (we like their stuff and my parents wanted to see why). Then we had a party the Katie and Matt’s in the […]

Taco Salad!
by Ben
MMMMMmmmmmmm Taco Salad!!! The guys over on NSOP were talking about enchiladas today, but I’m a horrible cook. I do however know how to cook taco salad, and Nikki said we had the fixin’s so here you go, Taco Salad… And it was delicious… Even Baby v1.0 liked it as he started kicking at dinner. […]

The Blizzard of 2007!!!!!!
by Ben
NOT!!!! OK, Rhode Islanders have always had issues with snow. Not quite sure why though??? This is New England right? It does snow here EVERY winter right? But still, ever since the “Blizzard of ’78” they all go crazy here whenever snow is even forecast. We’re talking stores sold out of milk and bread, and […]

Powder Photo Anual 2007!
by Ben
Do I really need to explain it anymore?
Categories: blog, personal, Read::Watch::Play

Baby Belly UPDATE!!!
by Ben
With all the craziness that’s been going on and with how tired Nikki is now getting earlier in the evening we’ve missed a bunch of belly shots/updates. We finally made some time this weekend to get some shots in. Check them out, it’s really amazing to see how much bigger she’s gotten in the last […]

It must be getting close to Christmas!
by Ben
Well I always know when it’s almost Christmas because we need to go murder a tree, drag it in the house and dress it up (how humiliating lol)… Nikki and I had a great time Saturday going out to Big John Leyden’s tree farm is West Greenwich RI. Make sure you check out the link, […]

DIY Bathroom remodel.
by Ben
OK, this one has been a long time in the making. Nikki and I have lived in our house for almost 3 years now. It will be 3 year in February (we can’t beleive it…). When we moved in we painted every room in the house a new color as we weren’t too fond of […]
Categories: blog, DIY Projects, personal

Trip south gallery
by Ben
I finally had some time last night to edit a few images from the trip south. These are here and over at syavalanche.com. I still have to sort through the shots I took in Antigua. Hopefully I’ll get those up tonight. Here are the shots from Antigua: and these are from our trip (vacation on […]
Categories: blog, personal, photography, sail, sailing

New Cell phone!!!
by Ben
OK, my old phone fell in the ocean around a month ago. I’ve been crazy busy so it’s taken a while to replace. I also just got back from delivering the boat (syavalanche.com) and finally got it turned on/activated. Now I still have one last issue… A lot of you were only in that phone. […]